Authors Guidelines

Guidelines for Submission

Authors are requested to follow the guidelines strictly:
1. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited. Authors are jointly and severely responsible for any sort of plagiarism. The Editorial Board does not take responsibility of any sort for the plagiarism in any article published in the journal.

2. Article/essays sent to us for publication should be original and should not have been published or submitted for publication elsewhere.

3. Articles/essays may be based on the empirical research or conceptual analysis in any field/function/division/type of commerce, management and administration.

4. Maximum authors for an article must not exceed three.

5. Author(s) is/are responsible for the originality, quality and authenticity of the content of    their articles/essays.
6. Only articles or essays accepted after a review by board will be published.

7. The articles should have a cover page with details of authors, followed by an Abstract, full paper with appropriate references at the end.

8. The entire article/essay must be

(a). in MS-word

(b). Computer spell-checked

(c).in Times New Roman

(d).with font size -12

(e) with 1.5 line spacing and with margins of one inch on all sides.
9. The article/essay should not exceed 8–10 Pages. Title of the article/essay should be clear, precise and self explanatory.

10. Cover Page:  In order to facilitate anonymous review of the article/essay, please restrict the author-related information only to the cover page. The cover page should contain the title of the article/essay, the name(s), postal address(es), phone, fax numbers and e-mail   address(es) of all authors and acknowledgements if any.

11. Abstract: Following the cover page, there should be an ‘abstract’ page, which should  contain the summary of the article/essay in single space, not exceeding 250 words in ‘Italics’ and the list of  maximum five key words.

12. Main article/essay: Following the Abstract, the main article/essay should be continued with Introduction, Review, Objectives, Scope, Hypothesis if any, Methodology, Limitations, Analysis and Interpretation, Findings, Suggestions, Recommendations and Conclusion.

13. References: Number the references serially in the article/essay using superscript and list them serially under the heading ‘REFERENCES’ immediately at the end of the main article/essay.

References should be arranged as follows:

For Books: Philip Kotler, Principles of Marketing, 2nd ed., Dorling Kindersley India) Pvt. Ltd., 2007. Pp 125-135.
For Journals: Armstrong, J. S., “Estimating non – response bias in mail surveys”, Journal of marketing research, Vol.14, 1977. Pp 36-42.
For World Wide Websites: assessed on 05.10.2013 @ 15.30 Hrs.

14. E-Mail Address for Submission of Articles: Authors are requested to submit their articles through:  

15. Processing and Publication Fees: Though the policy of JEMS is to promote and support education and research, authors have to pay Rs. 2,000 towards meeting the processing, publishing, maintenance and the incidental expenses.